Amy cunningham
Licensed Funeral Professional
& Funeral Celebrant
Amy Cunningham is a NY-state licensed LFD and celebrant in Brooklyn who specializes in back-to-basic, earth-friendly burials, delayed transfers and lay-outs in residences, as well as cremation services in Green-Wood Cemetery's crematory chapels. Filled with kind advice on how to make funerals more meaningful and sustainable, Amy was profiled by the New York Times in 2014. In 2018, Women's Health magazine gave her the unique moniker "Death Ritual Disrupter," in a piece about how daily death contemplation can enrich lives and keep folks healthier.
With a BA in English Literature from the University of Virginia, and a thirty-year prior career in magazine journalism, Amy completed her AAMI mortuary training at age 55 in 2010 (do the math, she says). She was certified as a funeral celebrant by Glenda Stansbury and Doug Manning. When not out on a funeral today or speaking to community groups, Amy and funeral celebrant Kateyanne Unullisi sustain TheInspiredFuneral.com, a blog of readings, scripture and ceremony templates. She lives in Brooklyn, is married, and has two sons in law school.